Due to the water issue at the high school, high school practices will be optional at 4:00 today at the high school. High school students must provide their own transportation for practice.
4 months ago, Lainey Addison
Due to no water pressure at the high school, WIHS will be dismissing high school students at 1:00 today. All bus routes will run with high school students at 1:00pm. Elementary and middle school students will remain in school until normal release time. Regular bus routes will remain for elementary and middle school students.
4 months ago, Lainey Addison
Join us for our 8th grade parent meeting to discuss our moving up and 8th grade trip planning. Oct. 3rd 4:30 Redman Building.
4 months ago, Blakke Bertram
Here is "This week at WIMS 9/30/24." https://youtu.be/96fO9-av5pQ
4 months ago, Blakke Bertram
Wyoming Indian Middle School will have a hat/hoodie day 9/27/24 to celebrate every student meeting their PBIS point goal.
4 months ago, Blakke Bertram
Check out This Week at WIMS. https://youtu.be/psmO9sdVhY0
4 months ago, Blakke Bertram
Check out this week at WIMS https://youtu.be/8o848-MaR8c
4 months ago, Blakke Bertram
Check out this week at WIMS: https://youtu.be/dsuTS7CGhgw
4 months ago, Blakke Bertram
Grandparents; Join us the Wyoming Indian Middle School for Donuts with Grandparents tomorrow (9/6/24) at 7:45 am in the middle school cafeteria. We will have our school grandparents there to eat with our students whose grandparents aren't able to make it. We are excited to see everyone.
4 months ago, Blakke Bertram
Check out the new "This Week at WIMS" https://youtu.be/fwnFamdVJ2E
5 months ago, Blakke Bertram
Check out this week at WIMS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELxHbjLiqr4
5 months ago, Blakke Bertram
Attention 8th Grade Parents.
8 months ago, Blakke Bertram
Come to our last night of parent-teacher conferences tonight.
10 months ago, Blakke Bertram
Just a reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences start tonight March 13 and tomorrow March 14. There will be NO SCHOOL this Friday March 15, 2023 for students and staff. Please contact your school for any further information: Elementary: 307-332-2053 Middle School: 307-332-2992 High School: 307-332-9765
10 months ago, Lainey Addison
Come to parent teacher conference tonight and tomorrow from 4:00-8:00 at Wyoming Indian Middle School.
10 months ago, Blakke Bertram
Wyoming Indian Middle School will be having Parent vs. Student Basketball games the evening of April 9th. Mark your calendars now. More details will follow.
11 months ago, Blakke Bertram
Dear Parents and Guardians, There will be NO SCHOOL for students this Friday, February 9, 2024. This will be a Cultural In-Service day for staff.
12 months ago, Lainey Addison
No School - 2/9/2024
Wyoming Indian Middle School will have a student Masquerade tomorrow during the school day for our Friday celebration. Encourage your middle schooler to dress up. There are prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.
about 1 year ago, Blakke Bertram
Parents/guardians: Reminder- Consolidated Grants and School Improvement Plans Stakeholder meeting. Tuesday 4:30-5:30 in the elementary school library. Pizza and door prizes!
over 1 year ago, Lainey Addison
Consolidated Grants and School Improvement Plans Stakeholder meeting
Join us tomorrow for Employment Information Night! September 20th at 5:00 p.m. High School Commons Area Pizza will be Provided!
over 1 year ago, Wyoming Indian Schools
Employment Information Night