

Mathematics is a universal language that allows us to make sense of fundamental principles, thoughts, ideas, patterns, problems, and phenomena surrounding us and to communicate our understanding and resolutions of these concepts to others. In order to develop and enrich student understanding of mathematics, Fremont 14 will provide a comprehensive and cohesive mathematics curriculum in which mathematical topics are explored and analyzed with significant depth.

The environment in every mathematics classroom will provide the following:

  • active and responsible engagement in the learning of mathematics,

  • an atmosphere of risk taking,

  • in-depth investigation and

    analysis of intriguing situations and problems,

  • ample opportunities for reflection and interaction, and

  • connections to everyday life.

Standards for Mathematics Practice

Students will develop the ability to:

  1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

  2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

  3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

  4. Model with mathematics.

  5. Use appropriate tools strategically.

  6. Attend to precision.

  7. Look for and make use of structure.

  8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

Inside Tipi

Family Resources

Get the Math (middle school and high school) 

Johnnie's Math Page (grades K through 6) 

Khan Academy (Mathematics)

Math Games for Learning (recommendations from MEC: Mathematics Education Collaborative)

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Illuminations 

PBS Learning Media (Mathematics) 

ACT Academy Stop the Summer Slide (Grades 3-12)

Teacher Resources

Native Numerals (

American Indian Mathematics Traditions and Contributions 

Doing and Talking Math and Science

Fostering Math Practices (Routines for Reasoning)

Illustrative Mathematics (Tasks, resources)

Inside Mathematics (Videos, activities)

Math Teaching Toolkit (Videos, strategies, resources)

Three Reads Using a Problem Stem (Mathematical Practices)